The best example or terrorism in a movie from the 1970s has to be Airport, it was such a successful film. The film demonstrates a run down, out of luck man whose mental issues cause him to turn to terrorism to try and get money from life insurance. The film demonstrates the first storyline where every characters story interlines to the overall storyline. an recent example of this would be in the film Crash.
The way men are represented in old traditional action/disaster films illustrates no presence of emotion, as they believe this is a sign of weakness. Women are always being given orders and their opinions overpowered by the male presences on screen.
Today, audiences want to see an emotional lead character whose family side is also shown to illustrate to the audience how he would deal with everyday issues, to add a sense of realism to the film so audiences can identify with certain aspects of the characters life. a good example of this when the main villain in the film leaves his wife and ignores all her calls to not go through with the plan where as in the recent text The Kingdom , the Saudi captain is shown to care for his family and friends.
Also, this shows the genre itself has changed along with society, this films terrorist is a white male where as the terrorist in the more recent text is or an Islamic background. this in itself shows how representations of terrorist from the media has caused everyone to believe Islam is the source of terrorism. If we look back to Airport we can see back in the 70s anyone could have been a terrorist with any motive to destroy place. the action genre has moved more in the direction of special effects and big money explosions and weapons to keep more of the audiences attention.
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