Friday, 11 December 2009

'Bibliography: Books'

"choosing or being forced to live outside the network is associated with fundamentalism"
Page 161

"rejection of the netwrk may motivate Al-Qaida terrorism, which may therefore be said to be a product of its extention across the world"
page 162

These quotes will be usefull for me as it relates to social networking and the internet, as they talk about terrorism I think it will be useful for me to use in my critical investigation when talking about the internet.

Hartley,John.(2002): Communication, Culture and Media studies, USA, Routledge.

"A complex issue like western attitudes to Islamic fundamentalism cannot be adequately represented within the contines of a news story" page173

"The threat is more likely to come in the form of political movements which Marx abhored: nationalism and religous fundamentalism. page 231

I think these quotes are useful as they can be used in my critical investigation when I am talking about the political side of my invertigation. It will also relate to talking about the news and their coverage of the topic.

Bennet,Peter.Slater,Jerry.Wall,Peter.(2006): A2 media studys the essential introduction,USA,Routledge.

"high profile cases of asylum seekers commiting crimes and even being associated with terrorist activities have further reduced public sympathy for climants" page 133

"the publics views are further manipulated by tabloid headlines" page 133

"increasnig evidence of clashes between Islamic and western values in the media have made reporting oof Islamic affairs in the west a sensitive area " page 133

"Once again, issues relating to freedom of expression and the use of death threats by musilm extremists to scare western goverments and media become a top story" page 134

"increasing concerns about terrorism have resulted in widespread coverage of the activitys of minority muslim extremists groups" page 134

These set of quotes are the most useful to me as they talk directly about the representation of religous fundamentalism within the media, these will allow me to back up my points with ease.

Probert,David. Graham,Anderew.(2008): Advanced meadia stusdies, oxfordshire, Philip alan updates.

"Religion, it can be argued, is an ideology where an organise dsystem of beliefs and values defines to people hoe they should live their lives and what constitues appropriate behaviour" page 80

"Researchers in glasgow media group have undertaken investigations that reveal that television news reporting on industiral dispute tend sto depict strikers as a disruptive force in society which needs to be resisted" page 81

These are quotes that I am not sure if I will be using in my final investigation but if I decide to talk about their behaviour then it will be good to have these quotes.

Rayner,Philip.Wall,Peter.Kruger,Stephen.(2002): As media studies the essential introduction, USA, Routledge.

"The reality of Crimewatch is that it is commited by a small group of deviant outsiders, against certain unfortuante individuals" page 198

Crimewatch is a national programe and this will be a grea quote to back up my points on the media representation on religous fundamentalism and their effects on soceity.

Bignell,Jonathan.(2004): An introduction to television studies, USA, Routledge.

"In media studies this debate revolves around the notion of "tabloidisation". page 230

This qoute will help me when talking about the tabloids coverage of the situations and affects.

Williams,Kevin.(2003): Understanding media theory, London, Arnold.

"Following on form his analysis of hegemonic media representation, Hall claims that ethinic minorities are continually misrepresented by racial stereotypes" page 78

This is another quote that could be used If I talk about ethinic minorities being the target of terrorist accusations.

Lauhney,Dan.(2009): Media studies theories and approches,Herts, Kamera books.

"What audiences are offered on television is this inextricicably linked to a set of ideas which support Capitalism and ruling class ideology" page24

This will be useful when talking about the class system and how capatalism and the ruling class ideologys affect the views given out in the media today

Casey,Bernadette.Casey,Neil.Calvert,Ben.French, Liam. Lewis, Justin.(2002) : television studies they key concepts, USA, Routledge.

"Race, in other words, is a social aswell as a physical construction"

I might be able to use this when talking about the race being targeted with terrorist affiliation.

Jewkes,Yvonne.O'sullivan, Tim.(1997): The media studies reader, London, Arnold.

"The way in which an individuals actions are determined is by social class, economic position and ideologies of gender or race" p56

This qoute is useful as I can talk about how individuals are judged in the media world.

•D, Buckingham (1987) Public Secrets Eastenders and its audience, London, Arnold

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