Friday 4 September 2009

Oceans 13

Im going to do my summer research task on Oceans 13
Close con artists Danny ocean (george clooney) and rusty ryan (brad pitt) decide to rob three of the biggest casino's in Las vegas owned by Terry bennedict (terry garcia). The main insentive behind Ocean's plan to rob these casino's is to get back at the man who stole his ex wife from him while he was in prison and now out of prison he is out to assemble a a team good enough to pull of the heist. once reunited with rusty his partner in crime they assemble a team of 11 to take this plan into action. Once the team assembles the plan is put into place and they money is taken in a very confusing manor for terry bennedict the owner of the casino's who is left with nothing but an empty vault and the wrong names. Danny Ocean also manages to get his ex wife back in the process with 500 million spilt 11 ways after the robbery. The film is then set up for Oceans 12 with two of Benedicts men following Danny Ocean at the end of the film.

Media Representation...
Two main characters have been shown through out the movie, these include George Clooney and Brad Pitt. The film portrays crime and the urge to commit crime to get what they want, not only are they presenting the criminals as the heroes but you can see the reality of the different situations that occur and how they are being solved through deceiving cons being pulled off by Ocean's 11.
From the begginging of the film you are able to see how both both con artists and just how good they are at what they do and this is shown when both have not seen each other for four year but still manage to pull a con in a room full of people before leaving and starting their plan for the big robbery. The film shows how both characters mature in different ways but neither of their plans change for the future.

Once both characters assemble their con artists for the job and get discussing more they realise each others real reasons for the robbery and turn on each other and ocean himself is kicked out the job and this shows betrayal between criminals which is expected and is used to help represent them as criminals. Therefore both characters have been represented as bitchy and so on. Which means you can see that certain things can get in the away of friendships. The way the con artists are being represented as normal people letting the audience relate to certain situations through the movie which means reality is also shown through this with the sense of comedy.

Media Languages & Forms...
You are able to see the non verbal text through the clothing and the facial expressions also the environment can be included within this text. As the film is a comedy and a crime thriller facial expressions are extremly important. As these will give audiences the sense of when to laugh and what the situation is about. You are able to tell alot from ones expression on their face and this is shown through out the movie for example , when the con artist suit up and pretend for be FBI agents they cant let their facial expressions slip or be suited up wrong for the job , also from the expression the audience can see which con artists are nervous.

You are able to see the ups and the downs. In some ways you could say without any sound you are still able to understand what is happening through out the film. You can see the happy moments through facial expressions and the body language as all characters will interact with each other through coded signals , celver technology and so on. You can also see the anger when things dont go to plan for the 11 , you can see how disappointed they are with each others actions & lastly you can see the sad emotions that are given when both relize they have lost a long term relationship over money. The mise en scene has also been shown as both characters show the luxuary through their con's as they were well backed up finnacially.

They want to have the best which means the setting has been set in the best places such as las vegas casinos such as "the mirage" and the Bilagio"'. The lighting through out the movie is light as a comedy they have to show the calmness in the movie which makes it different to genres such as horror. The music that has been played is set with what is happening in the surroudings. Such as when a sad moment is shown in the film calm music is being played so the scene is set in the right mood and this is the same with the happy scenes the right type of music is played with the mood of the setting and the scene. Their were many types of camera angles used int he movie. Close ups has been used on the facial expressions of Goerge Clooney and Brad Pitt, also long shots were used in most of the movie to show the setting of what had been going through out the movie.


The film starts of by showing how the Danny ocean leaving jail were he was serving his sentence, main part of the film has been based around a 'Wedding ring' in which Oceans wife left him after he went into jail. Both Con artists have been best friends since childhood days, they proposed to do the robbery on the same day as a big heavy weight title fight to get more money , so they start planning their robbery together. they start to gather known con artists each with their own special abilitys.

With using their help they plan the robbery, After this they start to pull their plan together and start the con a few days before the fight when Danny Ocean is seen with his ex wife now married to the owner of the casino's they are robbing so Rusty pulls Danny out of the job as he put the rest under jeopardy.they are villans all the way through the film as they are robbing a casino but in their own way they are heroes because of the way they are represented to the audience as funny charming characters. . The whole film is set around the 11 con artists commiting crime, you can see the theme of the movie through this, not only that but the name of the movie also gives this away 'Ocean's 13'.

The genre of the film is comedy and crime, this is shown through the film with the various settings, body language and so on. You can see the comedy side of the film with the two main characters and their actions against the casinos. Such as the fake imitations they take up that plays a big role in the movie you can also see the slap stick comedy coming through & the crime is shown through the weddings and the love between both characters partners. One thing that has not changed in this crime thriller is Brad Pitt. he has stared in many thriller films, he has won nominations and sets a great spirt. Even though the film is set to be a comedy many critics have asked this question why? this is mainly because they seem to think that not much comedy has been shown around the movie at all.
The director of Ocean's 13 is Steven Soderbergh.
The two main cast were: Goerge clooney and Brad Pitt
The Writers were: Brian Koppelman & David Levien

Media Institution...
The production company is Warner bro's and they have produced films such as the Harry potter franchise, The Hangover , 300 & so on. The distributors of the film are 20th century fox and Warner bro's & they have distributed many films. Because of this the audince are able to see that the film was made on a high budget therefore they are reassured that the film will be at a high standard so its worth watching.

Media Audiences...
The film is seen to target teenagers and above as in the UK it has been given a certificate of PG 12. This is mainly because the comedy is more intellectual which means the young adults audience will enjoy it as well as the older audience. Who will enjoy most of as to the story line. I was drawn to this movie mainly because of the genre i enjoy watching thriller films and these type of films do appeal to me. I would relate this movie to films such as 21, the dark knight,Catch me if you can and many more. These are films I have researched which have similarities to Ocean's 13.

Additional Information On 'Ocean's 13'...
Release Date - 8 June 2007
Tagline - What are the odds of getting even? 13 to one
Award - One win & Four nominations.
Trivia - Steven Soderbergh filmed all of Al Pacino's scenes in three weeks.
Soundtrack - Martin Blasick

Below is some additional research I did for the film

Here is a reveiw from the BBC website for Ocean's 13 and the link is :


It takes Soderbergh a long while to set the dominoes in place, but he breaks it up with enjoyably silly subterfuge. Weird wigs, fake 'taches and the occasional latex nose give the likes of Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon a chance to show that they're not above poking fun at themselves. As ever the chemistry between the lads - especially Clooney and Pitt - keeps the rhythm snappy, and this time, the emphasis on friendship and loyalty makes them easy to root for. The fight for justice even extends as far as Mexico, where Casey Affleck leads a Marxist 'revolucion!' It's like Robin Hood retold with tuxedos - except the Merry Men remember not to take it all too seriously. Bingo, Thirteen is a lucky number.

Ocean's Thirteen is released in UK cinemas on Friday 8th June 2007"

This reveiw from the BBC was a positive one as it look at a lot of possitives about the film including actors and was trying to tell people that this film was a better one to watch after audiences were disspointed with Ocean's 12 last time around.

I found another blog with media issues and the link is :


Media In The United States

Last updated Friday, January 02, 2009.

Media omissions, distortion, inaccuracy and bias in the US is something acknowledged by many outside the USA, and is slowly realized more and more inside the US. However, due to those very same omissions distortion, inaccuracy and the bias in the US mainstream media, it is difficult for the average American citizen to obtain an open, objective view of many of the issues that involve the United States. Since the United States is the largest economic and military power in the world, they are naturally involved in many issues. As a result, this section looks at some aspects of the media in the United States"

The paragrapgh above concludes that because the U.S is the largest economic and milatary power in the world they are naturally invovlved in many issues and this also leads to bias and inaccurate information from the U.S mainstream media. As Ocean's 13 is a film from the U.S we can see in the film that the foreign characters played in the film are either in a smaller role or a "bad guy" role and I think this is because of the U.S media. This causes people from outside the U.S to critises the U.S mainstream media.

Review :
"The movie is all heist, which Soderbergh carries off in high style. Is the Oscar-winning director of Trafficslumming with this piffle? You bet. But this time he doesn't let it show. His only misstep is the subplot involving Damon trying to seduce Willy's number two (Ellen Barkin). Barkin, reunited with Sea of Love co-star Pacino, is too smart and sexy to be the butt of cheap cougar jokes lobbed by the boys.

Otherwise all is well, especially the sparring between Pitt and Clooney. "Keep the weight off," Rusty teases Ocean, referring to the pounds Clooney packed on for Syriana. "Settle down, have a couple of kids," Ocean winks back in a real-life reference no one could miss. It takes skill and experience to erase the line between actor and character without turning off the audience. We know Clooney can do it. But Pitt is the real surprise. Top performances in Fight Club, Seven, 12 Monkeys and last year's Babel have erased the self-consciousness of his days as a stud muffin. In Ocean's Thirteen, Pitt is not out to prove himself. He's a star, baby, and in the highest praise one gambler can pay another in this class act of a caper movie, he's worthy to shake Sinatra's hand." This review is from

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